Day trading can be great if you have the time and patience to sit in front of a screen and watch the market!
I don’t. At least not now. As a part-time trader, I do not have the time to sit in front of the computer screen and watch every tick. And when I have had the chance to do so, my patience has gotten the best of me.
I’d really love for trades to be over, win or lose, as quick as a coin toss, so the less time I spend looking at the markets, the better I am at sticking to my trading plan. I expect one day to automate my trading, but I have a few more details to work out and skills to learn before that can happen.
For now, I do have time after market hours to screen for trades, enter orders and adjust stops. I can usually check in 1-3 times during the day when the market is open. These restrictions lead me to look at trades that last from a day or two up to a couple of months.
Part of why I started this website is to clarify my trading strategies and the rules for them. My journey will reference the work and guidance from many other sources, but the two greatest influences are Van Tharp and Ken Long. This is a record of my journey to apply the materials I have received from them to develop my trading skills.
I expect to share trades on StockTwits as I take them. I’ll share details and insights here as appropriate.I am not a trading advisor, and any trades mentioned here are not meant to be recommendations.